Explore métodos de pagamento locais.

O crescimento econômico latino-americano na última década expandiu a classe média e o poder de compra. Para ter sucesso nesse mercado, é essencial aproveitar os métodos de pagamento locais e adotar uma abordagem personalizada.

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Por que a América Latina é mercado significativo?
A América Latina, com seus 650 milhões de habitantes e uma classe média em crescimento, é um mercado crucial para empresas globais. A FacilitaPay permite que sua empresa incorpore facilmente métodos de pagamento locais cruciais, superando obstáculos regionais e aproveitando as oportunidades.
PIX (pagamento instantâneo)
O sistema de pagamento instantâneo criado pelo Banco Central do Brasil está mudando o mercado ao realizar transferências e pagamentos, em poucos segundos, a qualquer hora do dia — inclusive finais de semana e feriados — de forma segura e prática.
Boleto Bancário
O Brasil tem uma cultura centrada no dinheiro, e o Boleto tem sido historicamente usado pela população brasileira para pagar contas mensais, impostos e também compras de comércio eletrônico. Alcance a população sem conta bancária e também aquelas cuja preferência é o boleto por hábito.
Cartões de crédito locais
O uso de cartões de crédito vem crescendo. No entanto, os cartões de crédito habilitados internacionalmente representem apenas 24% das transações de comércio eletrônico. Comece a aceitar cartões nacionais e internacionais e aumente suas conversões.
Cartões de débito locais
Um cartão de débito é um método de pagamento comum no Brasil. Hoje, existem 116 milhões de cartões de débito ativos no país, com 664 bilhões de reais gastos com esse método em 2019. Aceite cartões de débito para alcançar uma nova base de consumidores e otimizar sua receita no Brasil.
Brazilians have the habit of splitting the total amount of a purchase made with a credit card in up to 12 monthly payments. Allow your customers to make higher-value purchases and increase your average ticket size.
Brazil has the seventh largest crypto market in the world and is growing rapidly. With FacilitaPay, you can make settlement in crypto, on/off ramp solutions and receive your local payments in stablecoins.
Digital Wallets
The popularity of digital wallets is increasing in Brazil, mostly due to the benefits offered by them, such as convenience, security, and simplicity to pay. Be ahead of the market and start to offer digital wallets on your e-commerce store.
Other Alternative Payments
Brazil has several ways to pay online beyond credit cards. Bank Transfer and Online Debit are two effective payment options. Allow consumers to use their usual bank account to make an instant payment without the risk of chargeback for you.
PSE (Pagos Seguros en Línea)
The preferred alternative payment solution in Colombia. Pagos Seguros en Línea allows your customers to make bank transfers directly from their bank accounts, without needing a credit card.
Baloto is Colombia’s main lottery operator in the country and also has a payment network, with more than 13.500 payment stations, it’s able to reach 96% of the cities. Clients can pay purchases offline or online. When choosing the offline option, they receive a payment voucher with a barcode and a serial number, which can be paid at one of the payment stations.
Being one of the largest payments networks in Colombia, SuRed is partnered with more than 27.000 convenience stores from different brands and across 32 departments. Clients who choose this payment method receive a voucher that can be paid in cash at any of their points.
With real-time confirmation and easy user experience, Efecty is one of the most popular cash payment vouchers in Colombia, payable in over 10,000 locations throughout the country. Increases your sales by reaching a vast part of Colombian customers that prefer to pay offline, with cash and allows you to reach the unbanked population.
Local Credit Cards
This payment method is one of the primary options of Colombians when shopping online. All Colombian cards are enabled to make international purchases, yet, local banks and issuers impose some obstacles to international shopping. FacilitaPay card solution offers local acquiring what increases approval rates.
Local Debit Cards
The use of debit cards in Colombia is growing rapidly, with more than 20 million cardholders by 2021. The number of POS terminals has also increased to over 200,000, boosting card payments. The FacilitaPay card solution offers local acquiring, increasing approval rates.
The instant payment system created by the Central Bank of Brazil is changing the market by performing transfers and payments, in a few seconds, at any time of the day - including weekends and holidays - in a safe and practical way.
OXXO is one of the most famous voucher payments in Mexico. People are used to going to convenience stores to pay bills, and also their vouchers for e-commerce purchases. Start to accept OXXO as a payment method and reach more consumers.
The most known payment method in Mexico now with real-time confirmation.
Local Credit and Debit Cards
Access to financial services is still growing, and credit card penetration is on the rise in Mexico. Local acquiring can offer better approval rates in Mexico, and you can accept local debit cards.
The instant payment system created by the Central Bank of Brazil is changing the market by performing transfers and payments, in a few seconds, at any time of the day - including weekends and holidays - in a safe and practical way.
Whenever a Mexican wants to make an interbank transfer, they need to use SPEI. The Mexican system for online banking transactions. Allow your customers to pay for their purchases with online bank transfers through SPEI.
The cryptocurrency market is gaining importance in Mexico due to the large population of unbanked individuals, high levels of remittance inflows, and growing interest in digital assets as a hedge against inflation and economic instability. With FacilitaPay, you can settle in crypto, use on/off ramp solutions, and receive your local payments in stablecoins.
Digital Wallets
The popularity of digital wallets is increasing in México, mostly due to the benefits offered by them, such as convenience, security, and simplicity to pay. Be ahead of the market and start to offer digital wallets on your e-commerce store.
Other Alternative Payments
Mexico has several payment methods besides credit cards. Voucher payments, Oxxo and digital wallets are very common methods used by online consumers.
RedCompra (Debit)
This is the most common debit system in Chile, allowing secure and instant payments. It is integrated into practically all banks in the country and is accepted in many commercial establishments.
Boleto Bancário
This online system allows payments via credit and debit cards and is widely accepted in e-commerce in Chile. It offers a convenient and secure way to carry out online transactions.
It's a mobile app that facilitates digital payments and transfers. With this platform, users can make payments in physical stores and online in a quick and secure manner.
Bank Transfer
Transfers between bank accounts are common for higher-value payments. Many Chilean banks offer instant or nearly instant transfers.
This is a service that allows cash deposits and withdrawals at stores and affiliated establishments. It also offers options for bill payments and services.
This is a popular method for paying bills and making other types of payments in physical establishments. It's a convenient way to pay utility bills, taxes, and other expenses without the need for a bank account.
Credit card issued by the Falabella store, it is one of the most popular credit cards in Chile and is accepted at various establishments. It also offers financing options.
Service that allows the payment of bills and other financial transactions in physical establishments. It is widely used for utility bill payments, mobile phone top-ups, and others.
This is a credit card issued by the Hites store and is accepted at a variety of establishments in addition to the brand's own stores. It also offers various promotions and discounts.
Specific credit card, generally accepted in affiliated stores and establishments such as supermarkets and gas stations. Offers benefits like exclusive discounts and promotions.
Mercado Pago
This is a widely used digital wallet for online shopping, bill payments, and money transfers. It offers a secure and convenient way to conduct financial transactions.
This international online payment service is accepted by many sellers and online stores in Chile. It is a safe and effective option for cross-border transactions.

Comece agora

Aceitar pagamentos com cartão de crédito com o FacilitaPay é diferente. Veja o porquê:
Aumente as taxas de aprovação
Com a aquisição local, sua empresa tem melhores taxas de aprovação.
Menor risco de estorno
Confie no FacilitaPay Shield, uma estratégia antifraude avançada, sem custo adicional.
Lógica de repetição
A tecnologia avançada de aprendizado de máquina aumenta as taxas de aprovação ao minimizar os pagamentos falhados.
Simplifique as compras
Ofereça suporte a pagamentos recorrentes, por meio de tokenização de cartão e pré-autorização.
Descritor de cobrança
Comece a oferecer todos os métodos de pagamento locais na América Latina para seus clientes.
Aquisição internacional
Somente esquemas internacionais
O pior desempenho nos pagamentos, já que os bancos emissores, tendem a recusar mais transações de adquirentes internacionais devido à falta de informações.
Limitado para quem possui cartões habilitados internacionalmente. A experiência de compra não é localizada.
Sem parcelas e sem cobrança recorrente.
Aquisição local
Esquemas de cartões nacionais e internacionais
Melhor desempenho em pagamentos com conexão direta com adquirentes locais. Dessa forma, os bancos emissores terão mais dados de consumidores locais, aumentando as taxas de aprovação.
Os clientes terão uma experiência de pagamento local com todos os serviços disponíveis, comprando como fariam em um comércio eletrônico local.
Parcelas e cobranças recorrentes disponíveis.
Nosso hub de pagamento all-in-one engloba todos os métodos de pagamento
Inovadores em todo o mundo podem cultivar suas ideias por meio de nossa plataforma adaptável. Ele fornece soluções personalizadas e benefícios significativos, incluindo recursos exclusivos exclusivos para nós.

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Enriqueça seus pagamentos locais. Alcance uma base maior de consumidores.
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