Send mass payouts easily to LATAM

Make payments to your local sellers, partners, or employees by depositing local currency straight into their bank accounts.

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Localized Payment Experience
Make the process of receiving payments from abroad easier for your local partners. Ensure they get paid in the way they prefer, and as quickly as possible, especially in emerging markets.
Scale your Payout operations effortlessly.
Use one integration to save your team hours of work and lower the chance of mistakes. Don't struggle with multiple payout providers.

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Payout notification
Check Payout notification
Payout cancellation
Few hours
Check currency exchange
Flexible funding currency
Granular and visual reporting
Workflows automation
Eliminate risks and operational burdens in emerging markets
Paying out your partners and sellers worldwide can be arduous due to diverse compliance requirements, unpredictable regulatory changes, and volatile currency fluctuations. FacilitaPay manages all these risks with its team of local experts.
How it works
A multi-currency account within FacilitaPay is created for the merchant.
End user instructs a payout directly on merchant's page/app.
FacilitaPay API acts in the back end of the checkout page
FacilitaPay receives the payout instruction.
FacilitaPay convert the funds between internal accounts.
They payout is processed by FacilitaPay payment network.

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Built‑to‑fit payment solutions
We bring to the table expertise across various industries and proficiency in handling diverse payment needs. Check out our offerings to stay ahead of the competition and grab more opportunities in our markets.

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